Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Smallest Bikini Contest x

Smallest Bikini Contest
Smallest Bikini Contest

With bikini waxing, you can wear your thong or string bikini without any embarrassment of pubic hair. Moreover, with pubic hair removal, the pubic area tends to look and feel more erotic. With its advantages, a bikini wax is rather painful the first time. After a few sessions, the body gets used to the pain and does not feel it that much. After a bikini wax, it takes about 3 weeks for pubic hair to re-grow.

Smallest Bikini Contest

String bikinis are not just meant for women since they make them for men as well. Once again, however, I believe that body type either makes or breaks a suit. A body builder who spends a lot of time toning and sculpting his muscles looks a lot better in a string bikini then a man who has never seen the inside of a fitness center!

Smallest Bikini Contest

Smallest Bikini Contest

Smallest Bikini Contest

Smallest Bikini Contest

Smallest Bikini Contest
Smallest Bikini Contest


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